PURE Funk Soul Creation Infinitely Transcending...
A.P.E. has been around since '92 promoting, dj'ing, and designing its way deep into the underground. Our goal is to create the diversity we believe should be the essence of any good self-produced label, by structuring our team with the most creative and trustworthy motivated individuals. One of our main focuses is integrating live ART with the MUSIC to match and creating custom themed experiences for any event. Almost all underground genres are covered within our wide array of artists, musicians, and dj/producers. We invite everyone to become part of the team if you fit this criteria... Join our network of over 100,000 friends, loved ones, and future funk brothers & sisters from every corner of the world without fear or bias. Stay tuned for more cool stuff like our custom themed festivals, events, silent disco's, and our chill out and meditation areas that take any party to the next level.
We are the beat-boxing, break-dancing, graffiti spraying ninjas of the night, and we just want to help open your eyes to all the hidden mysteries the world has to offer through music and art.
As one big family, we would like you to be a part of it!